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CONFIG_ACPI_PROCFS_POWER: Deprecated power /proc/acpi directories

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ACPI_PROCFS_POWER has multiple definitions:

Deprecated power /proc/acpi directories found in drivers/acpi/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_ACPI_PROCFS_POWER:

Help text

For backwards compatibility, this option allows deprecated power /proc/acpi/ directories to exist, even when they have been replaced by functions in /sys. The deprecated directories (and their replacements) include: /proc/acpi/battery/* (/sys/class/power_supply/*) and /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/* (sys/class/power_supply/*). This option has no effect on /proc/acpi/ directories and functions which do not yet exist in /sys. This option, together with the proc directories, will be deleted in the future.

Say N to delete power /proc/acpi/ directories that have moved to /sys.

Deprecated power /proc/acpi folders found in drivers/acpi/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_ACPI_PROCFS_POWER:

Help text

For backwards compatibility, this option allows deprecated power /proc/acpi/ folders to exist, even when they have been replaced by functions in /sys. The deprecated folders (and their replacements) include: /proc/acpi/battery/* (/sys/class/power_supply/*) /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/* (sys/class/power_supply/*) This option has no effect on /proc/acpi/ folders and functions, which do not yet exist in /sys

Say N to delete power /proc/acpi/ folders that have moved to /sys/



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