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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_BTRFS_FS_CHECK_INTEGRITY
has multiple definitions:
This feature has been deprecated and will be removed in 6.7.
Adds code that examines all block write requests (including writes of the super block). The goal is to verify that the state of the filesystem on disk is always consistent, i.e., after a power-loss or kernel panic event the filesystem is in a consistent state.
If the integrity check tool is included and activated in the mount options, plenty of kernel memory is used, and plenty of additional CPU cycles are spent. Enabling this functionality is not intended for normal use.
In most cases, unless you are a btrfs developer who needs to verify the integrity of (super)-block write requests during the run of a regression test, say N
Adds code that examines all block write requests (including writes of the super block). The goal is to verify that the state of the filesystem on disk is always consistent, i.e., after a power-loss or kernel panic event the filesystem is in a consistent state.
If the integrity check tool is included and activated in the mount options, plenty of kernel memory is used, and plenty of additional CPU cycles are spent. Enabling this functionality is not intended for normal use.
In most cases, unless you are a btrfs developer who needs to verify the integrity of (super)-block write requests during the run of a regression test, say N
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