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CONFIG_COMPACTION: Allow for memory compaction

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_COMPACTION has multiple definitions:

Allow for memory compaction found in mm/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_COMPACTION:

Help text

Compaction is the only memory management component to form high order (larger physically contiguous) memory blocks reliably. The page allocator relies on compaction heavily and the lack of the feature can lead to unexpected OOM killer invocations for high order memory requests. You shouldn't disable this option unless there really is a strong reason for it and then we would be really interested to hear about that at

found in mm/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_COMPACTION:

Help text

Compaction is the only memory management component to form high order (larger physically contiguous) memory blocks reliably. The page allocator relies on compaction heavily and the lack of the feature can lead to unexpected OOM killer invocations for high order memory requests. You shouldn't disable this option unless there really is a strong reason for it and then we would be really interested to hear about that at



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