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CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_UID: User ID to map to 0 (user root)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_UID has multiple definitions:

User ID to map to 0 (user root) found in usr/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_UID:

Help text

If INITRAMFS_SOURCE points to a directory, files owned by this UID (-1 = current user) will be owned by root in the resulting image.

If you are not sure, leave it set to "0".

User ID to map to 0 (user root) found in drivers/block/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_UID:

Help text

This setting is only meaningful if the INITRAMFS_SOURCE is contains a directory. Setting this user ID (UID) to something other than "0" will cause all files owned by that UID to be owned by user root in the initial ramdisk image.

If you are not sure, leave it set to "0".



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