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CONFIG_060_WRITETHROUGH: Use write-through caching for 68060 supervisor accesses

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_060_WRITETHROUGH has multiple definitions:

Use write-through caching for 68060 supervisor accesses found in arch/m68k/Kconfig.cpu

The configuration item CONFIG_060_WRITETHROUGH:

Help text

The 68060 generally uses copyback caching of recently accessed data. Copyback caching means that memory writes will be held in an on-chip cache and only written back to memory some time later. Saying Y here will force supervisor (kernel) accesses to use writethrough caching. Writethrough caching means that data is written to memory straight away, so that cache and memory data always agree. Writethrough caching is less efficient, but is needed for some drivers on 68060 based systems where the 68060 bus snooping signal is hardwired on. The 53c710 SCSI driver is known to suffer from this problem.

Use write-through caching for 68060 supervisor accesses found in arch/m68k/Kconfig.mmu

The configuration item CONFIG_060_WRITETHROUGH:

Help text

The 68060 generally uses copyback caching of recently accessed data. Copyback caching means that memory writes will be held in an on-chip cache and only written back to memory some time later. Saying Y here will force supervisor (kernel) accesses to use writethrough caching. Writethrough caching means that data is written to memory straight away, so that cache and memory data always agree. Writethrough caching is less efficient, but is needed for some drivers on 68060 based systems where the 68060 bus snooping signal is hardwired on. The 53c710 SCSI driver is known to suffer from this problem.

Use write-through caching for 68060 supervisor accesses found in arch/m68k/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_060_WRITETHROUGH:

Help text

The 68060 generally uses copyback caching of recently accessed data. Copyback caching means that memory writes will be held in an on-chip cache and only written back to memory some time later. Saying Y here will force supervisor (kernel) accesses to use writethrough caching. Writethrough caching means that data is written to memory straight away, so that cache and memory data always agree. Writethrough caching is less efficient, but is needed for some drivers on 68060 based systems where the 68060 bus snooping signal is hardwired on. The 53c710 SCSI driver is known to suffer from this problem.



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