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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_8139TOO_TUNE_TWISTER
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_8139TOO_TUNE_TWISTER:
This implements a function which might come in handy in case you are using low quality on long cabling. It is required for RealTek RTL-8139 revision K boards, and totally unused otherwise. It tries to match the transceiver to the cable characteristics. This is experimental since hardly documented by the manufacturer. If unsure, say Y.
The configuration item CONFIG_8139TOO_TUNE_TWISTER:
This implements a function which might come in handy in case you are using low quality on long cabling. It is required for RealTek RTL-8139 revision K boards, and totally unused otherwise. It tries to match the transceiver to the cable characteristics. This is experimental since hardly documented by the manufacturer. If unsure, say Y.
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