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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ACPI_APEI_SEA has multiple definitions:

found in drivers/acpi/apei/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_ACPI_APEI_SEA:

Help text


APEI Synchronous External Abort logging/recovering support found in drivers/acpi/apei/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_ACPI_APEI_SEA:

Help text

This option should be enabled if the system supports firmware first handling of SEA (Synchronous External Abort). SEA happens with certain faults of data abort or instruction abort synchronous exceptions on ARMv8 systems. If a system supports firmware first handling of SEA, the platform analyzes and handles hardware error notifications from SEA, and it may then form a HW error record for the OS to parse and handle. This option allows the OS to look for such hardware error record, and take appropriate action.



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