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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ADB_CUDA
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_ADB_CUDA:
This provides support for Cuda/Egret based Macintosh and Power Macintosh systems. This includes most m68k based Macs, most Old World PowerMacs, the first generation iMacs, the Blue & White G3 and the "Yikes" G4 (PCI Graphics). All later models should use ADB_PMU instead. It is safe to say Y here even if your machine doesn't have a Cuda or Egret device.
If unsure say Y.
The configuration item CONFIG_ADB_CUDA:
This provides support for CUDA based Macintosh and Power Macintosh systems. This includes many m68k based Macs (Color Classic, Mac TV, Performa 475, Performa 520, Performa 550, Performa 575, Performa 588, Quadra 605, Quadra 630, Quadra/Centris 660AV, and Quadra 840AV), most OldWorld PowerMacs, the first generation iMacs, the Blue&White G3 and the "Yikes" G4 (PCI Graphics). All later models should use ADB_PMU instead. It is safe to say Y here even if your machine doesn't have a CUDA.
If unsure say Y.
The configuration item CONFIG_ADB_CUDA:
This provides support for CUDA based Power Macintosh systems. This includes most OldWorld PowerMacs, the first generation iMacs, the Blue&White G3 and the "Yikes" G4 (PCI Graphics). All later models should use ADB_PMU instead. It is safe to say Y here even if your machine doesn't have a CUDA.
If unsure say Y.
The configuration item CONFIG_ADB_CUDA:
This provides support for CUDA based Power Macintosh systems. This includes most OldWorld PowerMacs, the first generation iMacs, the Blue&White G3 and the Yikes G4 (PCI Graphics). All later models should use ADB_PMU instead.
If unsure say Y.
The configuration item CONFIG_ADB_CUDA:
This provides support for CUDA based Power Macintosh systems. This includes most OldWorld PowerMacs, the first generation iMacs, the Blue&White G3 and the "Yikes" G4 (PCI Graphics). All later models should use ADB_PMU instead. It is safe to say Y here even if your machine doesn't have a CUDA.
If unsure say Y.
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