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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS:
Normally we disable external interrupts while we are making calls to the APM BIOS as a measure to lessen the effects of a badly behaving BIOS implementation. The BIOS should reenable interrupts if it needs to. Unfortunately, some BIOSes do not -- especially those in many of the newer IBM Thinkpads. If you experience hangs when you suspend, try setting this to Y. Otherwise, say N.
The configuration item CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS:
Normally we disable external interrupts while we are making calls to the APM BIOS as a measure to lessen the effects of a badly behaving BIOS implementation. The BIOS should reenable interrupts if it needs to. Unfortunately, some BIOSes do not -- especially those in many of the newer IBM Thinkpads. If you experience hangs when you suspend, try setting this to Y. Otherwise, say N.
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