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CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS: Allow interrupts during APM BIOS calls

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS has multiple definitions:

Allow interrupts during APM BIOS calls found in arch/x86/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS:

Help text

Normally we disable external interrupts while we are making calls to the APM BIOS as a measure to lessen the effects of a badly behaving BIOS implementation. The BIOS should reenable interrupts if it needs to. Unfortunately, some BIOSes do not -- especially those in many of the newer IBM Thinkpads. If you experience hangs when you suspend, try setting this to Y. Otherwise, say N.

Allow interrupts during APM BIOS calls found in arch/i386/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_APM_ALLOW_INTS:

Help text

Normally we disable external interrupts while we are making calls to the APM BIOS as a measure to lessen the effects of a badly behaving BIOS implementation. The BIOS should reenable interrupts if it needs to. Unfortunately, some BIOSes do not -- especially those in many of the newer IBM Thinkpads. If you experience hangs when you suspend, try setting this to Y. Otherwise, say N.



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