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CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE: Make CPU Idle calls when idle

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE has multiple definitions:

Make CPU Idle calls when idle found in arch/x86/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE:

Help text

Enable calls to APM CPU Idle/CPU Busy inside the kernel's idle loop. On some machines, this can activate improved power savings, such as a slowed CPU clock rate, when the machine is idle. These idle calls are made after the idle loop has run for some length of time (e.g., 333 mS). On some machines, this will cause a hang at boot time or whenever the CPU becomes idle. (On machines with more than one CPU, this option does nothing.)

Make CPU Idle calls when idle found in arch/i386/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE:

Help text

Enable calls to APM CPU Idle/CPU Busy inside the kernel's idle loop. On some machines, this can activate improved power savings, such as a slowed CPU clock rate, when the machine is idle. These idle calls are made after the idle loop has run for some length of time (e.g., 333 mS). On some machines, this will cause a hang at boot time or whenever the CPU becomes idle. (On machines with more than one CPU, this option does nothing.)



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