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CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_5301X: Broadcom BCM470X / BCM5301X ARM SoC

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_5301X:

Help text

Support for Broadcom BCM470X and BCM5301X SoCs with ARM CPU cores.

This is a network SoC line mostly used in home routers and wifi access points, its internal name is Northstar. This includes the following SoC: BCM53010, BCM53011, BCM53012, BCM53014, BCM53015, BCM53016, BCM53017, BCM53018, BCM4707, BCM4708 and BCM4709.

Do not confuse this with the BCM4760 which is a totally different SoC or with the older BCM47XX and BCM53XX based network SoC using a MIPS CPU, they are supported by arch/mips/bcm47xx



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