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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_EARLY_DEBUG:

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If an architecture can definitely handle entering the debugger when early_param's are parsed then it select this config. Otherwise, if "kgdbwait" is passed on the kernel command line it won't actually be processed until dbg_late_init() just after the call to kgdb_arch_late() is made.

NOTE: Even if this isn't selected by an architecture we will still try to register kgdb to handle breakpoints and crashes when early_param's are parsed, we just won't act on the "kgdbwait" parameter until dbg_late_init(). If you get a crash and try to drop into kgdb somewhere between these two places you might or might not end up being able to use kgdb depending on exactly how far along the architecture has initted.



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