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CONFIG_ARM64_AMU_EXTN: Enable support for the Activity Monitors Unit CPU extension

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ARM64_AMU_EXTN:

Help text

The activity monitors extension is an optional extension introduced by the ARMv8.4 CPU architecture. This enables support for version 1 of the activity monitors architecture, AMUv1.

To enable the use of this extension on CPUs that implement it, say Y.

Note that for architectural reasons, firmware _must_ implement AMU support when running on CPUs that present the activity monitors extension. The required support is present in: * Version 1.5 and later of the ARM Trusted Firmware

For kernels that have this configuration enabled but boot with broken firmware, you may need to say N here until the firmware is fixed. Otherwise you may experience firmware panics or lockups when accessing the counter registers. Even if you are not observing these symptoms, the values returned by the register reads might not correctly reflect reality. Most commonly, the value read will be 0, indicating that the counter is not enabled.



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