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CONFIG_ARM_ARCH_TIMER_EVTSTREAM: Enable ARM architected timer event stream generation by default

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ARM_ARCH_TIMER_EVTSTREAM has multiple definitions:

Enable ARM architected timer event stream generation by default found in drivers/clocksource/Kconfig


Help text

This option enables support by default for event stream generation based on the ARM architected timer. It is used for waking up CPUs executing the wfe instruction at a frequency represented as a power-of-2 divisor of the clock rate. The behaviour can also be overridden on the command line using the clocksource.arm_arch_timer.evtstream parameter. The main use of the event stream is wfe-based timeouts of userspace locking implementations. It might also be useful for imposing timeout on wfe to safeguard against any programming errors in case an expected event is not generated. This must be disabled for hardware validation purposes to detect any hardware anomalies of missing events.

Support for ARM architected timer event stream generation found in drivers/clocksource/Kconfig


Help text

This option enables support for event stream generation based on the ARM architected timer. It is used for waking up CPUs executing the wfe instruction at a frequency represented as a power-of-2 divisor of the clock rate. The main use of the event stream is wfe-based timeouts of userspace locking implementations. It might also be useful for imposing timeout on wfe to safeguard against any programming errors in case an expected event is not generated. This must be disabled for hardware validation purposes to detect any hardware anomalies of missing events.



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