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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_B43LEGACY_PIO_MODE
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_B43LEGACY_PIO_MODE:
Only include Programmed I/O (PIO). This reduces the size of the driver module, by omitting the DMA code. Please note that PIO transfers are slow (compared to DMA).
Also note that not all devices of the b43legacy series support PIO.
You should use PIO only if DMA does not work for you.
The configuration item CONFIG_B43LEGACY_PIO_MODE:
Only include Programmed I/O (PIO). This reduces the size of the driver module, by omitting the DMA code. Please note that PIO transfers are slow (compared to DMA).
Also note that not all devices of the b43legacy series support PIO.
You should use PIO only if DMA does not work for you.
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