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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CLEANCACHE
Cleancache can be thought of as a page-granularity victim cache for clean pages that the kernel's pageframe replacement algorithm (PFRA) would like to keep around, but can't since there isn't enough memory. So when the PFRA "evicts" a page, it first attempts to use cleancache code to put the data contained in that page into "transcendent memory", memory that is not directly accessible or addressable by the kernel and is of unknown and possibly time-varying size. And when a cleancache-enabled filesystem wishes to access a page in a file on disk, it first checks cleancache to see if it already contains it; if it does, the page is copied into the kernel and a disk access is avoided. When a transcendent memory driver is available (such as zcache or Xen transcendent memory), a significant I/O reduction may be achieved. When none is available, all cleancache calls are reduced to a single pointer-compare-against-NULL resulting in a negligible performance hit.
If unsure, say Y to enable cleancache
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