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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CLOCK_SET
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_CLOCK_SET:
On some CPU's you do not need to know what the core CPU clock frequency is. On these you can disable clock setting. On some traditional 68K parts, and on all ColdFire parts you need to set the appropriate CPU clock frequency. On these devices many of the onboard peripherals derive their timing from the master CPU clock frequency.
The configuration item CONFIG_CLOCK_SET:
On some CPU's you do not need to know what the core CPU clock frequency is. On these you can disable clock setting. On some traditional 68K parts, and on all ColdFire parts you need to set the appropriate CPU clock frequency. On these devices many of the onboard peripherals derive their timing from the master CPU clock frequency.
The configuration item CONFIG_CLOCK_SET:
On some CPU's you do not need to know what the core CPU clock frequency is. On these you can disable clock setting. On some traditional 68K parts, and on all ColdFire parts you need to set the appropriate CPU clock frequency. On these devices many of the onboard peripherals derive their timing from the master CPU clock frequency.
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