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CONFIG_CON_CHAN: Default console channel initialization

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CON_CHAN has multiple definitions:

Default console channel initialization found in arch/um/drivers/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_CON_CHAN:

Help text

This is the string describing the channel to which all consoles except the main console will be attached by default. This value can be overridden from the command line. The default value is "xterm", which brings them up in xterms. It is safe to leave this unchanged, although you may wish to change this if you expect the UML that you build to be run in environments which don't have X or xterm available.

Default console channel initialization found in arch/um/Kconfig.char

The configuration item CONFIG_CON_CHAN:

Help text

This is the string describing the channel to which all consoles except the main console will be attached by default. This value can be overridden from the command line. The default value is "xterm", which brings them up in xterms. It is safe to leave this unchanged, although you may wish to change this if you expect the UML that you build to be run in environments which don't have X or xterm available.

Default console channel initialization found in arch/um/Kconfig_char

The configuration item CONFIG_CON_CHAN:

Help text

This is the string describing the channel to which all consoles except the main console will be attached by default. This value can be overridden from the command line. The default value is "xterm", which brings them up in xterms. It is safe to leave this unchanged, although you may wish to change this if you expect the UML that you build to be run in environments which don't have X or xterm available.



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