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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CPU_R3000
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_CPU_R3000:
Please make sure to pick the right CPU type. Linux/MIPS is not designed to be generic, i.e. Kernels compiled for R3000 CPUs will *not* work on R4000 machines and vice versa. However, since most of the supported machines have an R4000 (or similar) CPU, R4x00 might be a safe bet. If the resulting kernel does not work, try to recompile with R3000.
The configuration item CONFIG_CPU_R3000:
Please make sure to pick the right CPU type. Linux/MIPS is not designed to be generic, i.e. Kernels compiled for R3000 CPUs will *not* work on R4000 machines and vice versa. However, since most of the supported machines have an R4000 (or similar) CPU, R4x00 might be a safe bet. If the resulting kernel does not work, try to recompile with R3000.
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