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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_STATS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_STATS:
Enable the gathering of crypto stats.
Enabling this option reduces the performance of the crypto API. It should only be enabled when there is actually a use case for it.
This collects data sizes, numbers of requests, and numbers of errors processed by: - AEAD ciphers (encrypt, decrypt) - asymmetric key ciphers (encrypt, decrypt, verify, sign) - symmetric key ciphers (encrypt, decrypt) - compression algorithms (compress, decompress) - hash algorithms (hash) - key-agreement protocol primitives (setsecret, generate public key, compute shared secret) - RNG (generate, seed)
The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_STATS:
This option enables the gathering of crypto stats. This will collect: - encrypt/decrypt size and numbers of symmeric operations - compress/decompress size and numbers of compress operations - size and numbers of hash operations - encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify numbers for asymmetric operations - generate/seed numbers for rng operations
The configuration item CONFIG_CRYPTO_STATS:
This option enables the gathering of crypto stats. This will collect: - encrypt/decrypt size and numbers of symmeric operations - compress/decompress size and numbers of compress operations - size and numbers of hash operations - encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify numbers for asymmetric operations - generate/seed numbers for rng operations
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