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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_EFI_PCDP
If your firmware supplies the PCDP table, and you want to automatically use the primary console device it describes as the Linux console, say Y here.
If your firmware supplies the HCDP table, and you want to use the first serial port it describes as the Linux console, say Y here. If your EFI ConOut path contains only a UART device, it will become the console automatically. Otherwise, you must specify the "console=hcdp" kernel boot argument.
Neither the PCDP nor the HCDP affects naming of serial devices, so a serial console may be /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, etc, depending on how the driver discovers devices.
You must also enable the appropriate drivers (serial, VGA, etc.)
See DIG64_HCDPv20_042804.pdf available from
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