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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_ETRAX_GPIO
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_ETRAX_GPIO:
Enables the ETRAX general port device (major 120, minors 0 and 1). You can use this driver to access the general port bits. It supports these ioctl's: #include <linux/etraxgpio.h> fd = open("/dev/gpioa", O_RDWR); // or /dev/gpiob ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_SETBITS), bits_to_set); ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_CLRBITS), bits_to_clear); val = ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_READBITS), NULL); Remember that you need to setup the port directions appropriately in the General configuration.
The configuration item CONFIG_ETRAX_GPIO:
Enables the ETRAX general port device (major 120, minors 0-4). You can use this driver to access the general port bits. It supports these ioctl's: #include <linux/etraxgpio.h> fd = open("/dev/gpioa", O_RDWR); // or /dev/gpiob ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_SETBITS), bits_to_set); ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_CLRBITS), bits_to_clear); err = ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_READ_INBITS), &val); Remember that you need to setup the port directions appropriately in the General configuration.
The configuration item CONFIG_ETRAX_GPIO:
Enables the Etrax general port device (major 120, minors 0 and 1). You can use this driver to access the general port bits. It supports these ioctl's: #include <linux/etraxgpio.h> fd = open("/dev/gpioa", O_RDWR); // or /dev/gpiob ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_SETBITS), bits_to_set); ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_CLRBITS), bits_to_clear); val = ioctl(fd, _IO(ETRAXGPIO_IOCTYPE, IO_READBITS), NULL); Remember that you need to setup the port directions appropriately in the General configuration.
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