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CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL: Include in-kernel firmware blobs in kernel binary

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL:

Help text

Various drivers in the kernel source tree may require firmware, which is generally available in your distribution's linux-firmware package.

The linux-firmware package should install firmware into /lib/firmware/ on your system, so they can be loaded by userspace helpers on request.

Enabling this option will build each required firmware blob specified by EXTRA_FIRMWARE into the kernel directly, where request_firmware() will find them without having to call out to userspace. This may be useful if your root file system requires a device that uses such firmware and you do not wish to use an initrd.

This single option controls the inclusion of firmware for every driver that uses request_firmware(), which avoids a proliferation of 'Include firmware for xxx device' options.

Say 'N' and let firmware be loaded from userspace.



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