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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_HPET_TIMER
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_HPET_TIMER:
Use the IA-PC HPET (High Precision Event Timer) to manage time in preference to the PIT and RTC, if a HPET is present. HPET is the next generation timer replacing legacy 8254s. The HPET provides a stable time base on SMP systems, unlike the TSC, but it is more expensive to access, as it is off-chip. The interface used is documented in the HPET spec, revision 1.
You can safely choose Y here. However, HPET will only be activated if the platform and the BIOS support this feature. Otherwise the 8254 will be used for timing services.
Choose N to continue using the legacy 8254 timer.
The configuration item CONFIG_HPET_TIMER:
This enables the use of the HPET for the kernel's internal timer. HPET is the next generation timer replacing legacy 8254s. You can safely choose Y here. However, HPET will only be activated if the platform and the BIOS support this feature. Otherwise the 8254 will be used for timing services.
Choose N to continue using the legacy 8254 timer.
The configuration item CONFIG_HPET_TIMER:
Use the IA-PC HPET (High Precision Event Timer) to manage time in preference to the PIT and RTC, if a HPET is present. The HPET provides a stable time base on SMP systems, unlike the TSC, but it is more expensive to access, as it is off-chip. You can find the HPET spec at
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