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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_IPW2200_PROMISCUOUS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_IPW2200_PROMISCUOUS:
Enables the creation of a second interface prefixed 'rtap'. This second interface will provide every received in radiotap format.
This is useful for performing wireless network analysis while maintaining an active association.
Example usage:
% modprobe ipw2200 rtap_iface=1 % ifconfig rtap0 up % tethereal -i rtap0
If you do not specify 'rtap_iface=1' as a module parameter then the rtap interface will not be created and you will need to turn it on via sysfs:
% echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw2200/*/rtap_iface
The configuration item CONFIG_IPW2200_PROMISCUOUS:
Enables the creation of a second interface prefixed 'rtap'. This second interface will provide every received in radiotap format.
This is useful for performing wireless network analysis while maintaining an active association.
Example usage:
% modprobe ipw2200 rtap_iface=1 % ifconfig rtap0 up % tethereal -i rtap0
If you do not specify 'rtap_iface=1' as a module parameter then the rtap interface will not be created and you will need to turn it on via sysfs:
% echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw2200/*/rtap_iface
The configuration item CONFIG_IPW2200_PROMISCUOUS:
Enables the creation of a second interface prefixed 'rtap'. This second interface will provide every received in radiotap format.
This is useful for performing wireless network analysis while maintaining an active association.
Example usage:
% modprobe ipw2200 rtap_iface=1 % ifconfig rtap0 up % tethereal -i rtap0
If you do not specify 'rtap_iface=1' as a module parameter then the rtap interface will not be created and you will need to turn it on via sysfs:
% echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw2200/*/rtap_iface
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