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CONFIG_IPX_INTERN: IPX: Full internal IPX network

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_IPX_INTERN has multiple definitions:

IPX: Full internal IPX network found in drivers/staging/ipx/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_IPX_INTERN:

Help text

Every IPX network has an address that identifies it. Sometimes it is useful to give an IPX "network" address to your Linux box as well (for example if your box is acting as a file server for different IPX networks: it will then be accessible from everywhere using the same address). The way this is done is to create a virtual internal "network" inside your box and to assign an IPX address to this network. Say Y here if you want to do this; read the IPX-HOWTO at for details.

The full internal IPX network enables you to allocate sockets on different virtual nodes of the internal network. This is done by evaluating the field sipx_node of the socket address given to the bind call. So applications should always initialize the node field to 0 when binding a socket on the primary network. In this case the socket is assigned the default node that has been given to the kernel when the internal network was created. By enabling the full internal IPX network the cross-forwarding of packets targeted at 'special' sockets to sockets listening on the primary network is disabled. This might break existing applications, especially RIP/SAP daemons. A RIP/SAP daemon that works well with the full internal net can be found on <>.

If you don't know what you are doing, say N.

IPX: Full internal IPX network found in net/ipx/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_IPX_INTERN:

Help text

Every IPX network has an address that identifies it. Sometimes it is useful to give an IPX "network" address to your Linux box as well (for example if your box is acting as a file server for different IPX networks: it will then be accessible from everywhere using the same address). The way this is done is to create a virtual internal "network" inside your box and to assign an IPX address to this network. Say Y here if you want to do this; read the IPX-HOWTO at for details.

The full internal IPX network enables you to allocate sockets on different virtual nodes of the internal network. This is done by evaluating the field sipx_node of the socket address given to the bind call. So applications should always initialize the node field to 0 when binding a socket on the primary network. In this case the socket is assigned the default node that has been given to the kernel when the internal network was created. By enabling the full internal IPX network the cross-forwarding of packets targeted at 'special' sockets to sockets listening on the primary network is disabled. This might break existing applications, especially RIP/SAP daemons. A RIP/SAP daemon that works well with the full internal net can be found on <>.

If you don't know what you are doing, say N.



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