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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_IP_DCCP_CCID3_RTO
Use higher lower bound for nofeedback timer expiration.
The TFRC nofeedback timer normally expires after the maximum of 4 RTTs and twice the current send interval (RFC 3448, 4.3). On LANs with a small RTT this can mean a high processing load and reduced performance, since then the nofeedback timer is triggered very frequently.
This option enables to set a higher lower bound for the nofeedback value. Values in units of milliseconds can be set here.
A value of 0 disables this feature by enforcing the value specified in RFC 3448. The following values have been suggested as bounds for experimental use: * 16-20ms to match the typical multimedia inter-frame interval * 100ms as a reasonable compromise [default] * 1000ms corresponds to the lower TCP RTO bound (RFC 2988, 2.4)
The default of 100ms is a compromise between a large value for efficient DCCP implementations, and a small value to avoid disrupting the network in times of congestion.
The purpose of the nofeedback timer is to slow DCCP down when there is serious network congestion: experimenting with larger values should therefore not be performed on WANs.
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