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CONFIG_KASAN_EXTRA_INFO: Record and report more information

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KASAN_EXTRA_INFO:

Help text

Record and report more information to help us find the cause of the bug and to help us correlate the error with other system events.

Currently, the CPU number and timestamp are additionally recorded for each heap block at allocation and free time, and 8 bytes will be added to each metadata structure that records allocation or free information.

In Generic KASAN, each kmalloc-8 and kmalloc-16 object will add 16 bytes of additional memory consumption, and each kmalloc-32 object will add 8 bytes of additional memory consumption, not affecting other larger objects.

In SW_TAGS KASAN and HW_TAGS KASAN, depending on the stack_ring_size boot parameter, it will add 8 * stack_ring_size bytes of additional memory consumption.



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