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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KASAN_HW_TAGS has multiple definitions:

Hardware Tag-Based KASAN found in lib/Kconfig.kasan

The configuration item CONFIG_KASAN_HW_TAGS:

Help text

Enables Hardware Tag-Based KASAN.

Requires GCC 10+ or Clang 12+.

Supported only on arm64 CPUs starting from ARMv8.5 and relies on Memory Tagging Extension and Top Byte Ignore.

Consumes about 1/32nd of available memory.

May potentially introduce problems related to pointer casting and comparison, as it embeds a tag into the top byte of each pointer.

Hardware tag-based mode found in lib/Kconfig.kasan

The configuration item CONFIG_KASAN_HW_TAGS:

Help text

Enables hardware tag-based KASAN mode.

This mode requires hardware memory tagging support, and can be used by any architecture that provides it.

Currently this mode is only implemented for arm64 CPUs starting from ARMv8.5 and relies on Memory Tagging Extension and Top Byte Ignore.



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