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CONFIG_KCSAN_IGNORE_ATOMICS: Do not instrument marked atomic accesses

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KCSAN_IGNORE_ATOMICS:

Help text

Never instrument marked atomic accesses. This option can be used for additional filtering. Conflicting marked atomic reads and plain writes will never be reported as a data race, however, will cause plain reads and marked writes to result in "unknown origin" reports. If combined with KCSAN_REPORT_RACE_UNKNOWN_ORIGIN=n, data races where at least one access is marked atomic will never be reported.

Similar to KCSAN_ASSUME_PLAIN_WRITES_ATOMIC, but including unaligned accesses, conflicting marked atomic reads and plain writes will not be reported as data races; however, unlike that option, data races due to two conflicting plain writes will be reported (aligned and unaligned, if KCSAN_ASSUME_PLAIN_WRITES_ATOMIC=n).



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