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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KDB_DEFAULT_ENABLE
Specifiers which kdb commands are enabled by default. This may be set to 1 or 0 to enable all commands or disable almost all commands.
Alternatively the following bitmask applies:
0x0002 - allow arbitrary reads from memory and symbol lookup 0x0004 - allow arbitrary writes to memory 0x0008 - allow current register state to be inspected 0x0010 - allow current register state to be modified 0x0020 - allow passive inspection (backtrace, process list, lsmod) 0x0040 - allow flow control management (breakpoint, single step) 0x0080 - enable signalling of processes 0x0100 - allow machine to be rebooted
The config option merely sets the default at boot time. Both issuing 'echo X > /sys/module/kdb/parameters/cmd_enable' or setting with kdb.cmd_enable=X kernel command line option will override the default settings.
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