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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KERNELBASE
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_KERNELBASE:
Typically on m68k systems the kernel will not start at the base of RAM, but usually some small offset from it. Define the start address of the kernel here. The most common setup will have the processor vectors at the base of RAM and then the start of the kernel. On some platforms some RAM is reserved for boot loaders and the kernel starts after that. The 0x400 default was based on a system with the RAM based at address 0, and leaving enough room for the theoretical maximum number of 256 vectors.
The configuration item CONFIG_KERNELBASE:
Typically on m68k systems the kernel will not start at the base of RAM, but usually some small offset from it. Define the start address of the kernel here. The most common setup will have the processor vectors at the base of RAM and then the start of the kernel. On some platforms some RAM is reserved for boot loaders and the kernel starts after that. The 0x400 default was based on a system with the RAM based at address 0, and leaving enough room for the theoretical maximum number of 256 vectors.
The configuration item CONFIG_KERNELBASE:
Typically on m68k systems the kernel will not start at the base of RAM, but usually some small offset from it. Define the start address of the kernel here. The most common setup will have the processor vectors at the base of RAM and then the start of the kernel. On some platforms some RAM is reserved for boot loaders and the kernel starts after that. The 0x400 default was based on a system with the RAM based at address 0, and leaving enough room for the theoretical maximum number of 256 vectors.
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