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CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ATKBD_RDI_KEYCODES: Use PrecisionBook keyboard scancodes

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ATKBD_RDI_KEYCODES:

Help text

If you have an RDI PrecisionBook, say Y here if you want to use its built-in keyboard (as opposed to an external keyboard).

The PrecisionBook has five keys that conflict with those used by most AT and PS/2 keyboards. These are as follows:

PrecisionBook Standard AT or PS/2

F1 F12 Left Ctrl Left Alt Caps Lock Left Ctrl Right Ctrl Caps Lock Left 102nd key (the key to the right of Left Shift)

If you say N here, and use the PrecisionBook keyboard, then each key in the left-hand column will be interpreted as the corresponding key in the right-hand column.

If you say Y here, and use an external keyboard, then each key in the right-hand column will be interpreted as the key shown in the left-hand column.



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