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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_KEYS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_KEYS:
This option provides support for retaining authentication tokens and access keys in the kernel.
It also includes provision of methods by which such keys might be associated with a process so that network filesystems, encryption support and the like can find them.
Furthermore, a special type of key is available that acts as keyring: a searchable sequence of keys. Each process is equipped with access to five standard keyrings: UID-specific, GID-specific, session, process and thread.
If you are unsure as to whether this is required, answer N.
The configuration item CONFIG_KEYS:
This option provides support for retaining authentication tokens and access keys in the kernel.
It also includes provision of methods by which such keys might be associated with a process so that network filesystems, encryption support and the like can find them.
Furthermore, a special type of key is available that acts as keyring: a searchable sequence of keys. Each process is equipped with access to five standard keyrings: UID-specific, GID-specific, session, process and thread.
If you are unsure as to whether this is required, answer N.
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