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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_LINUX_LINK_BASE
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_LINUX_LINK_BASE:
ARC700 divides the 32 bit phy address space into two equal halves -Lower 2G (0 - 0x7FFF_FFFF ) is user virtual, translated by MMU -Upper 2G (0x8000_0000 onwards) is untranslated, for kernel Typically Linux kernel is linked at the start of untransalted addr, hence the default value of 0x8zs. However some customers have peripherals mapped at this addr, so Linux needs to be scooted a bit. If you don't know what the above means, leave this setting alone. This needs to match memory start address specified in Device Tree
The configuration item CONFIG_LINUX_LINK_BASE:
ARC700 divides the 32 bit phy address space into two equal halves -Lower 2G (0 - 0x7FFF_FFFF ) is user virtual, translated by MMU -Upper 2G (0x8000_0000 onwards) is untranslated, for kernel Typically Linux kernel is linked at the start of untransalted addr, hence the default value of 0x8zs. However some customers have peripherals mapped at this addr, so Linux needs to be scooted a bit. If you don't know what the above means, leave this setting alone. This needs to match memory start address specified in Device Tree
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