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CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_EXTRAPREC: Math emulation extra precision

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_EXTRAPREC has multiple definitions:

Math emulation extra precision found in arch/m68k/Kconfig.cpu

The configuration item CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_EXTRAPREC:

Help text

The fpu uses normally a few bit more during calculations for correct rounding, the emulator can (often) do the same but this extra calculation can cost quite some time, so you can disable it here. The emulator will then "only" calculate with a 64 bit mantissa and round slightly incorrect, what is more than enough for normal usage.

Math emulation extra precision found in arch/m68k/Kconfig.mmu

The configuration item CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_EXTRAPREC:

Help text

The fpu uses normally a few bit more during calculations for correct rounding, the emulator can (often) do the same but this extra calculation can cost quite some time, so you can disable it here. The emulator will then "only" calculate with a 64 bit mantissa and round slightly incorrect, what is more than enough for normal usage.

Math emulation extra precision found in arch/m68k/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_EXTRAPREC:

Help text

The fpu uses normally a few bit more during calculations for correct rounding, the emulator can (often) do the same but this extra calculation can cost quite some time, so you can disable it here. The emulator will then "only" calculate with a 64 bit mantissa and round slightly incorrect, what is more than enough for normal usage.



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