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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_ONLY
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_ONLY:
This option prevents any floating-point instructions from being compiled into the kernel, thereby the kernel doesn't save any floating point context anymore during task switches, so this kernel will only be usable on machines without a floating-point math coprocessor. This makes the kernel a bit faster as no tests needs to be executed whether a floating-point instruction in the kernel should be executed or not.
The configuration item CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_ONLY:
This option prevents any floating-point instructions from being compiled into the kernel, thereby the kernel doesn't save any floating point context anymore during task switches, so this kernel will only be usable on machines without a floating-point math coprocessor. This makes the kernel a bit faster as no tests needs to be executed whether a floating-point instruction in the kernel should be executed or not.
The configuration item CONFIG_M68KFPU_EMU_ONLY:
This option prevents any floating-point instructions from being compiled into the kernel, thereby the kernel doesn't save any floating point context anymore during task switches, so this kernel will only be usable on machines without a floating-point math coprocessor. This makes the kernel a bit faster as no tests needs to be executed whether a floating-point instruction in the kernel should be executed or not.
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