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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MACH_LOONGSON64
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MACH_LOONGSON64:
This enables the support of Loongson-2/3 family of machines.
Loongson-2 and Loongson-3 are 64-bit general-purpose processors with GS264/GS464/GS464E/GS464V microarchitecture (except old Loongson-2E and Loongson-2F which will be removed), developed by the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
The configuration item CONFIG_MACH_LOONGSON64:
The configuration item CONFIG_MACH_LOONGSON64:
This enables the support of Loongson-2/3 family of machines.
Loongson-2 is a family of single-core CPUs and Loongson-3 is a family of multi-core CPUs. They are both 64-bit general-purpose MIPS-compatible CPUs. Loongson-2/3 are developed by the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in the People's Republic of China. The chief architect is Professor Weiwu Hu.
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