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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MCYRIXIII has multiple definitions:

CyrixIII/VIA-C3 found in arch/x86/Kconfig.cpu

The configuration item CONFIG_MCYRIXIII:

Help text

Select this for a Cyrix III or C3 chip. Presently Linux and GCC treat this chip as a generic 586. Whilst the CPU is 686 class, it lacks the cmov extension which gcc assumes is present when generating 686 code. Note that Nehemiah (Model 9) and above will not boot with this kernel due to them lacking the 3DNow! instructions used in earlier incarnations of the CPU.

CyrixIII/VIA-C3 found in arch/i386/Kconfig.cpu

The configuration item CONFIG_MCYRIXIII:

Help text

Select this for a Cyrix III or C3 chip. Presently Linux and GCC treat this chip as a generic 586. Whilst the CPU is 686 class, it lacks the cmov extension which gcc assumes is present when generating 686 code. Note that Nehemiah (Model 9) and above will not boot with this kernel due to them lacking the 3DNow! instructions used in earlier incarnations of the CPU.

CyrixIII/VIA-C3 found in arch/i386/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_MCYRIXIII:

Help text

Select this for a Cyrix III or C3 chip. Presently Linux and GCC treat this chip as a generic 586. Whilst the CPU is 686 class, it lacks the cmov extension which gcc assumes is present when generating 686 code. Note that Nehemiah (Model 9) and above will not boot with this kernel due to them lacking the 3DNow! instructions used in earlier incarnations of the CPU.



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