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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MIPS_MT_SMTC
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MIPS_MT_SMTC:
This is a kernel model which is known as SMTC. This is supported on cores with the MT ASE and presents all TCs available on all VPEs to support SMP. For further information see
The configuration item CONFIG_MIPS_MT_SMTC:
This is a kernel model which is known a SMTC or lately has been marketesed into SMVP. is presenting the available TC's of the core as processors to Linux. On currently available 34K processors this means a Linux system will see up to 5 processors. The implementation of the SMTC kernel differs significantly from VSMP and cannot efficiently coexist in the same kernel binary so the choice between VSMP and SMTC is a compile time decision.
For further information see
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