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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME:
If you say Y here, the MMC layer will assume that all cards stayed in their respective slots during the suspend. The normal behaviour is to remove them at suspend and redetecting them at resume. Breaking this assumption will in most cases result in data corruption.
This option is usually just for embedded systems which use a MMC/SD card for rootfs. Most people should say N here.
This option sets a default which can be overridden by the module parameter "removable=0" or "removable=1".
The configuration item CONFIG_MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME:
If you say Y here, the MMC layer will assume that all cards stayed in their respective slots during the suspend. The normal behaviour is to remove them at suspend and redetecting them at resume. Breaking this assumption will in most cases result in data corruption.
This option is usually just for embedded systems which use a MMC/SD card for rootfs. Most people should say N here.
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