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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MPENTIUM4
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_MPENTIUM4:
Select this for Intel Pentium 4 chips. This includes the Pentium 4, Pentium D, P4-based Celeron and Xeon, and Pentium-4 M (not Pentium M) chips. This option enables compile flags optimized for the chip, uses the correct cache line size, and applies any applicable optimizations.
CPUIDs: F[0-6][1-A] (in /proc/cpuinfo show = cpu family : 15 )
Select this for: Pentiums (Pentium 4, Pentium D, Celeron, Celeron D) corename: -Willamette -Northwood -Mobile Pentium 4 -Mobile Pentium 4 M -Extreme Edition (Gallatin) -Prescott -Prescott 2M -Cedar Mill -Presler -Smithfiled Xeons (Intel Xeon, Xeon MP, Xeon LV, Xeon MV) corename: -Foster -Prestonia -Gallatin -Nocona -Irwindale -Cranford -Potomac -Paxville -Dempsey
The configuration item CONFIG_MPENTIUM4:
Select this for Intel Pentium 4 chips. This includes the Pentium 4, P4-based Celeron and Xeon, and Pentium-4 M (not Pentium M) chips. This option enables compile flags optimized for the chip, uses the correct cache shift, and applies any applicable Pentium III optimizations.
The configuration item CONFIG_MPENTIUM4:
Select this for Intel Pentium 4 chips. This includes the Pentium 4, P4-based Celeron and Xeon, and Pentium-4 M (not Pentium M) chips. This option enables compile flags optimized for the chip, uses the correct cache shift, and applies any applicable Pentium III optimizations.
The configuration item CONFIG_MPENTIUM4:
Select this for Intel Pentium 4 chips. This includes the Pentium 4, P4-based Celeron and Xeon, and Pentium-4 M (not Pentium M) chips. This option enables compile flags optimized for the chip, uses the correct cache shift, and applies any applicable Pentium III optimizations.
The configuration item CONFIG_MPENTIUM4:
Select this for Intel Pentium 4 chips. This includes both the Pentium 4 and P4-based Celeron chips. This option enables compile flags optimized for the chip, uses the correct cache shift, and applies any applicable Pentium III optimizations.
The configuration item CONFIG_MPENTIUM4:
Select this for Intel Pentium 4 chips. This includes both the Pentium 4 and P4-based Celeron chips. This option enables compile flags optimized for the chip, uses the correct cache shift, and applies any applicable Pentium III optimizations.
The configuration item CONFIG_MPENTIUM4:
Select this for Intel Pentium 4 chips. Presently these are treated almost like Pentium IIIs, but with a different cache shift.
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