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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MTD_NAND_DISKONCHIP_BBTWRITE
has multiple definitions:
On DiskOnChip devices shipped with the INFTL filesystem (Millennium and 2000 TSOP/Alon), Linux reserves some space at the end of the device for the Bad Block Table (BBT). If you have existing INFTL data on your device (created by non-Linux tools such as M-Systems' DOS drivers), your data might overlap the area Linux wants to use for the BBT. If this is a concern for you, leave this option disabled and Linux will not write BBT data into this area. The downside of leaving this option disabled is that if bad blocks are detected by Linux, they will not be recorded in the BBT, which could cause future problems. Once you enable this option, new filesystems (INFTL or others, created in Linux or other operating systems) will not use the reserved area. The only reason not to enable this option is to prevent damage to preexisting filesystems. Even if you leave this disabled, you can enable BBT writes at module load time (assuming you build diskonchip as a module) with the module parameter "inftl_bbt_write=1".
On DiskOnChip devices shipped with the INFTL filesystem (Millennium and 2000 TSOP/Alon), Linux reserves some space at the end of the device for the Bad Block Table (BBT). If you have existing INFTL data on your device (created by non-Linux tools such as M-Systems' DOS drivers), your data might overlap the area Linux wants to use for the BBT. If this is a concern for you, leave this option disabled and Linux will not write BBT data into this area. The downside of leaving this option disabled is that if bad blocks are detected by Linux, they will not be recorded in the BBT, which could cause future problems. Once you enable this option, new filesystems (INFTL or others, created in Linux or other operating systems) will not use the reserved area. The only reason not to enable this option is to prevent damage to preexisting filesystems. Even if you leave this disabled, you can enable BBT writes at module load time (assuming you build diskonchip as a module) with the module parameter "inftl_bbt_write=1".
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