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CONFIG_MTD_UBI_FASTMAP: UBI Fastmap (Experimental feature)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_MTD_UBI_FASTMAP:

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Important: this feature is experimental so far and the on-flash format for fastmap may change in the next kernel versions

Fastmap is a mechanism which allows attaching an UBI device in nearly constant time. Instead of scanning the whole MTD device it only has to locate a checkpoint (called fastmap) on the device. The on-flash fastmap contains all information needed to attach the device. Using fastmap makes only sense on large devices where attaching by scanning takes long. UBI will not automatically install a fastmap on old images, but you can set the UBI module parameter fm_autoconvert to 1 if you want so. Please note that fastmap-enabled images are still usable with UBI implementations without fastmap support. On typical flash devices the whole fastmap fits into one PEB. UBI will reserve PEBs to hold two fastmaps.

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