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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_NCPFS_SMALLDOS
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_NCPFS_SMALLDOS:
If you say Y here, every filename on a NetWare server volume using the OS2/LONG namespace and created under DOS or on a volume using DOS namespace will be converted to lowercase characters. Saying N here will give you these filenames in uppercase.
This is only a cosmetic option since the OS2/LONG namespace is case insensitive. The only major reason for this option is backward compatibility when moving from DOS to OS2/LONG namespace support. Long filenames (created by Win95) will not be affected.
This option does not solve the problem that filenames appear differently under Linux and under Windows, since Windows does an additional conversions on the client side. You can achieve similar effects by saying Y to "Allow using of Native Language Support" below.
The configuration item CONFIG_NCPFS_SMALLDOS:
If you say Y here, every filename on a NetWare server volume using the OS2/LONG namespace and created under DOS or on a volume using DOS namespace will be converted to lowercase characters. Saying N here will give you these filenames in uppercase.
This is only a cosmetic option since the OS2/LONG namespace is case insensitive. The only major reason for this option is backward compatibility when moving from DOS to OS2/LONG namespace support. Long filenames (created by Win95) will not be affected.
This option does not solve the problem that filenames appear differently under Linux and under Windows, since Windows does an additional conversions on the client side. You can achieve similar effects by saying Y to "Allow using of Native Language Support" below.
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