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General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_NET_FLOW_LIMIT has multiple definitions:

Net flow limit found in net/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_NET_FLOW_LIMIT:

Help text

The network stack has to drop packets when a receive processing CPU's backlog reaches netdev_max_backlog. If a few out of many active flows generate the vast majority of load, drop their traffic earlier to maintain capacity for the other flows. This feature provides servers with many clients some protection against DoS by a single (spoofed) flow that greatly exceeds average workload.

found in net/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_NET_FLOW_LIMIT:

Help text

The network stack has to drop packets when a receive processing CPU's backlog reaches netdev_max_backlog. If a few out of many active flows generate the vast majority of load, drop their traffic earlier to maintain capacity for the other flows. This feature provides servers with many clients some protection against DoS by a single (spoofed) flow that greatly exceeds average workload.



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