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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_SYSIDLE
At least one CPU must keep the scheduling-clock tick running for timekeeping purposes whenever there is a non-idle CPU, where "non-idle" also includes dynticks CPUs as long as they are running non-idle tasks. Because the underlying adaptive-tick support cannot distinguish between all CPUs being idle and all CPUs each running a single task in dynticks mode, the underlying support simply ensures that there is always a CPU handling the scheduling-clock tick, whether or not all CPUs are idle. This Kconfig option enables scalable detection of the all-CPUs-idle state, thus allowing the scheduling-clock tick to be disabled when all CPUs are idle. Note that scalable detection of the all-CPUs-idle state means that larger systems will be slower to declare the all-CPUs-idle state.
Say Y if you would like to help debug all-CPUs-idle detection.
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