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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_P54_SPI_DEFAULT_EEPROM
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_P54_SPI_DEFAULT_EEPROM:
Unlike the PCI or USB devices, the SPI variants don't have a dedicated EEPROM chip to store all device specific values for calibration, country and interface settings.
The driver will try to load the image "3826.eeprom", if the file is put at the right place. (usually /lib/firmware.)
Only if this request fails, this option will provide a backup set of generic values to get the device working.
Enabling this option adds about 4k to p54spi.
The configuration item CONFIG_P54_SPI_DEFAULT_EEPROM:
Unlike the PCI or USB devices, the SPI variants don't have a dedicated EEPROM chip to store all device specific values for calibration, country and interface settings.
The driver will try to load the image "3826.eeprom", if the file is put at the right place. (usually /lib/firmware.)
Only if this request fails, this option will provide a backup set of generic values to get the device working.
Enabling this option adds about 4k to p54spi.
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