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The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_CHARSET
has multiple definitions:
The configuration item CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_CHARSET:
Some controllers such as the KS0074 use a somewhat strange character set where many symbols are at unusual places. The driver knows how to map 'standard' ASCII characters to the character sets used by these controllers. Valid values are :
0 : normal (untranslated) character set 1 : KS0074 character set
If you don't know, use the normal one (0).
The configuration item CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_CHARSET:
Some controllers such as the KS0074 use a somewhat strange character set where many symbols are at unusual places. The driver knows how to map 'standard' ASCII characters to the character sets used by these controllers. Valid values are :
0 : normal (untranslated) character set 1 : KS0074 character set
If you don't know, use the normal one (0).
The configuration item CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_CHARSET:
Some controllers such as the KS0074 use a somewhat strange character set where many symbols are at unusual places. The driver knows how to map 'standard' ASCII characters to the character sets used by these controllers. Valid values are :
0 : normal (untranslated) character set 1 : KS0074 character set
If you don't know, use the normal one (0).
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