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CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_PIN_SDA: Parallel port pin number & polarity connected to the LCD SDA signal (-17...17)

General informations

The Linux kernel configuration item CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_PIN_SDA has multiple definitions:

Parallel port pin number & polarity connected to the LCD SDA signal (-17...17) found in drivers/auxdisplay/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_PIN_SDA:

Help text

This describes the number of the parallel port pin to which the serial LCD 'SDA' signal has been connected. It can be :

0 : no connection (eg: connected to ground) 1..17 : directly connected to any of these pins on the DB25 plug -1..-17 : connected to the same pin through an inverter (eg: transistor).

Default for the 'SDA' pin in custom profile is '2' (D0).

Parallel port pin number & polarity connected to the LCD SDA signal (-17...17) found in drivers/misc/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_PIN_SDA:

Help text

This describes the number of the parallel port pin to which the serial LCD 'SDA' signal has been connected. It can be :

0 : no connection (eg: connected to ground) 1..17 : directly connected to any of these pins on the DB25 plug -1..-17 : connected to the same pin through an inverter (eg: transistor).

Default for the 'SDA' pin in custom profile is '2' (D0).

Parallel port pin number & polarity connected to the LCD SDA signal (-17...17) found in drivers/staging/panel/Kconfig

The configuration item CONFIG_PANEL_LCD_PIN_SDA:

Help text

This describes the number of the parallel port pin to which the serial LCD 'SDA' signal has been connected. It can be :

0 : no connection (eg: connected to ground) 1..17 : directly connected to any of these pins on the DB25 plug -1..-17 : connected to the same pin through an inverter (eg: transistor).

Default for the 'SDA' pin in custom profile is '2' (D0).



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